Rafiepour. A. & Gooya. Z. (2004). Seven Situations to assimilate ICT in Mathematics Education. Printed in selected article of 7th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference. Sanandaj, Iran. Pp 79-90.
Rafiepour. A. & Gooya. Z. Khalife. Z. (2004). A Framework to assimilate ICT in Mathematics Education. Printed in proceedings of Second Iranian E-Learning Conference. Tehran, Iran. 151-165.
Gooya, Z. & Rafiepour, A. (2004). Why the mathematics performance of Iranian students in TIMSS was unique? In M. J. Høines & A. B. Fuglestad (Eds.), Proceeding of 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, p 306). Bergen, Norway: PME.
Rafiepour. A. & Gooya. Z. (2005). School Based Curriculum Development: Fiction or Fact. proceeding of 5th Iranian Curriculum Conference. Kerman, Iran. Pp. 292-308.
Rafiepour. A. & Gooya. Z. (2006). Mathematics Curriculum for social science students (at university level). Printed in proceeding of 37th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference. Tabriz, Iran. Pp 208-211.
Rafiepour. A. & Gooya. Z. (2007). Anticipating some of the Iranian student Mathematical Performance in TIMSS Advanced 2008. Printed in selected article of 9th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference. Zahedan, Iran. Pp. 111-118.
Rafiepour. A. & Gooya. Z. (2008). Anticipating some of the Iranian student Mathematical Performance in PISA. Proceeding of 10th Iranian Mathematics Education Conference. Yazd, Iran. Pp. 237-246.
Rafiepour, A. and Stacey, K. (2009). Applying a mathematical literacy framework to the Iranian Grade 9 mathematics textbook. In Tzekaki, M., Kaldrimidou, M. & Sakonidis, C. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4, pp. 433-440. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME.
Rafiepour, A & Kariamianzadeh, A. (2011).Giving a Linear Response to an non Linear Problem. In proceeding of 42th Iranian Mathematics Congress. Rafsanjan. Iran. Pp: 191-194.
Rafiepour, A. (2011). Modeling and Application in Tertiary Math Curricula. In proceeding of 42th Iranian Mathematics Congress. Rafsanjan. Iran. Pp: 187-190.
Rafiepour, A. (2011). Mathematics Teachers Education on Modeling and Application. In proceeding of third national congress on Education. Tehran. Iran. Pp. 74.
Ahmadpour, F.; Fadaie, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2011). Modeling: an Approach for bring real world to classroom .In proceeding of first national congress on fundamental change in Iran Educational System. Mashhad. Iran. Pp. 516-521.
Agah, Z ; Fadaie, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2011). Modeling in mathematics Curricula: to be or Not to be? In proceeding of first national congress on fundamental change in Iran Educational System. Mashhad. Iran. Pp. 522-526.
Rafiepour, A. (2011). Modeling and Application in Teaching and Learning Mathematics. In proceeding of first national congress on fundamental change in Iran Educational System. Mashhad. Iran. Pp. 423-427.
Rafiepour, A. (2011).the role of generalization in mathematical modeling cycle. In B. Ubuz (Ed). Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1, pp. 376. Ankara, Turkey: PME.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). The role of mathematics literacy in Iran mathematics curriculum. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education- Topic Study Group 6. Pp. 1904-1906. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Combining lesson study and action research as a tool for in-service teacher education. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education- Topic Study Group 25. Pp. 5422-5423. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Brief history of talent education in Iran. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7522. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Making sense infinity concepts for tertiary level students. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7652. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Iranian students’ performance in non-routine problem solving tasks. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7675. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Research on actual classroom practice. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7752. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Adeli Sardo, M. ; Rafiepour, A. & Karimianzadeh, A. (2012). Fifth grade students apply mathematics to the real world situation. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7784. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Rafiepour, A. ; Ahmadpour , F. & Fadaie, M. (2012). Investigating Iranian teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, teaching and learning. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education. P. 7865. COEX, Seoul, Korea: ICME.
Yancheshmeh, A. Rafiepour, A. (2012). Investigating Novice and Expert Performance in Problem Posing Activity. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2- September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
Ahmadi, H. Rafiepour, A. (2012). Mathematics and Mobile phone: How Students Confront with Real World Problem. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2- September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
Abdolahpour, K. Rafiepour, A. & Fadaie, M. (2012). Determining the level of Mathematical Modeling Competency of students in Real World problem Solving. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2- September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
Esmaili, F. Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2012). Investigating the role of type of problems on Emotion of Students. 12th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 2- September 2012. Semnan. Iran.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Teaching Calculus with Realistic Mathematics Education Approach. Proceedings of 5th national Seminar on Mathematics in Payam Noor University. Pp. 308-310. Shiraz, Iran.
Rafiepour, A. (2012). Missing Problem Posing in Classroom. Proceedings of 5th national Seminar on Mathematics in Payam Noor University. Pp. 311-313. Shiraz, Iran.
Rafiepour, A.; Abdolahpour, K. (2013). Investigating Students’ Modeling Competency through Grade, Gender and Location. Proceedings of the Eight Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8). Turkey, ERME. Pp: 1070-1077.
Rafiepour, A.; Esmaili, F. (2013). The Role of Modeling on Effects of Iranian Students, Proceedings of the Eight Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8). Turkey, ERME. Pp: 1139-1140.
Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2013). Investigating Gender Differences in Modeling Activities for 6th Grade students. In proceeding of fifth national congress on Education. Tehran. Iran.
Rafiepour, A. (2013). Lesson Play: Reconstructing Pedagogical Interaction in the Classroom. In proceeding of 44th Iranian Mathematics Congress. Mashhad. Iran. Pp: 19-22.
Rafiepour, A. (2013). Informal Education in Math Houses (A Center for Local Needs). Paper Presented at 4th Iranian Science Museum Seminar. Tehran, Iran, 18-19 Nov. 2013. Abstract of this paper published in Newsletter of Museum of Science and technology.
Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2013). Primary School Student’s Mathematical Modeling Competency in Building House Activity. In Lindmeier, A. M. & Heinze, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 5, pp. 125. Kiel, Germany: PME.
Mehraein, S. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Sixth Grade Iranian Students Engage in Mathematical Modeling Activities. In Oesterle, S., Nicol, C., Liljedahl, P., & Allan, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36, Vol. 6, p. 366. Vancouver, Canada: PME.
Moradalizadeh, A. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Ethnomathematics: a Capacity for Introducing Iranian Culture in Curriculum. In 5th Philosophy of Education Seminar, 21-22 May 2014. Kerman, Iran. Pp: 967-970.
Faramarzpour, N. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Common Error of 8th Grade students in Graphical Problem about Vector. In 13th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 8-11 September 2014. Tehran. Iran. P. 118 (electronic booklet).
Moradalizadeh, A. & Rafiepour, A. & Yari, M. (2014). Ethnomathematics as a new approach in Mathematics Curricula. In 13th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 8-11 September 2014. Tehran. Iran. P.106.
Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Error Analysis of 5th Grade Students in Mathematical Word Problems with Using Newman Method. In 13th Iranian Conference in Mathematics Education, 8-11 September 2014. Tehran. Iran. P. 49.
Moradalizadeh, A. & Rafiepour, A. (2014). Mathematics of Culture and Culture of Mathematics. Paper Presented at 4th Iranian Science Museum Seminar. Tehran, Iran, 18-19 Nov. 2014. Abstract of this paper published in Newsletter of Museum of Science and technology. P. 24.
Rafiepour, A. (2014). Comparative Study of Tertiary Mathematics Curriculum at Bachelor Level. In International Conference on Quality in Higher Education curriculum: Standards, strategies and approaches (Iranian curriculum studies Association- ICSA). 22-24 Oct. 2014. Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran. P. 550.
Khani, N. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). Content Analysis of New Version of Primary School Mathematics Textbooks upon Modelling Approach. In 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
KarimianZadeh, A. Esmaili, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). Mathematical Modelling Problems as an Alternative for Word Problem in Primary School. In 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
Mohseni, M. & Rafiepour, A. (2015). (2015). Explore the feelings of teachers and assess their readiness for interring modeling in the classroom. In 7th National Conference on Education. Tehran, Iran.
Rafiepour, A. (2015). Using Application and Modelling Approach in Teaching Linear Algebra. In 8th Seminar of Linear Algebra and its Application. Sanandaj, Iran.
Rafiepour, A.; MoradaliZadeh, A. (2015). Ethno-mathematics: an opportunity for designing authentic modelling problems, Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9). Czech Republic, ERME.